The overall responsibility of investigative operations is to protect and preserve the integrity of the department by preventing, detecting and exposing criminal activity, gang related activity, corruption, serious misconduct, sexual misconduct and mismanagement in relation to DJJ operations. Investigative operations assigns or conducts administrative, criminal, gang related, human resources and Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) investigations regarding reported or referred incidents. When required by law, or as otherwise appropriate to the circumstances, they consult with Virginia State Police (VSP), local law enforcement, respective Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Offices and/or the Office of the State Inspector General (OSIG) for guidance and resources. They also cooperate with local, state and federal agencies that are investigating criminal law violations and allegations of employee misconduct. Responsibilities include:

  • Handling investigations regarding allegations against staff to include administrative, procedural, and criminal law violations.
  • Preserving Evidence in Accordance with Law Enforcement Procedures.
  • Managing the process of gang validation, field and institutional.
  • Assessing the juvenile correctional center populations and advising security staff of potential issues / gang related issues.
  • Serving as community liaison between JCC and Court Service Units.
  • Investigating resident-on-resident assaults and disturbances to determine if they are gang-related.
  • Investigating resident-on-resident, resident-on-staff and staff-on-resident violations or alleged violations of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA).
  • Facilitating the Gang Intervention Specialist and other Gang Prevention and Intervention programming within the JCC, CSU’s and in the community.
  • Reduce Gang Recruitments, Memberships and separate youth from gangs.